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Teddington to Limehouse

Note: It is very important that you understand how the time of your booked arrival at Limehouse relates to High Water there (same as at London Bridge). Consult the PLA tide tables (remember they are in GMT) or ask the lockkeeper.The “normal” timings imply arriving between 3 and 3.5 hours after HW. As noted […]

Limehouse to Brentford

Planning Your Cruise: Top Tips

Last updated: 26-07-2024 @ 19:34

Make sure your boat is fit for the tideway Make a booking for the lock via the CRT licencing website, at last 48 hours in advance. Ideally you want to leave Limehouse as soon as there is enough water to get over the cill, on […]

Limehouse to Teddington

Planning Your Cruise: Top Tips

Last updated: 08-08-2022 @ 09:08

Make sure your boat is fit for the tideway Even if you are going out during normal Lock opening hours do give the Limehouse Lock Keepers a ring at least a day in advance and make a booking. Contact numbers are here. Ideally you want […]


What would you like to do? Go from Limehouse to Teddington Go from Teddington to Limehouse Go from Limehouse to Brentford Go from Brentford to Limehouse Go from Brentford to Teddington Go from Teddington to Brentford Look up tide tables Find Guides Key telephone numbers What do I need to check? […]