Last updated: 22-12-2023 @ 09:10
NOTE: The arrangements at Limehouse have changed recently, and are still under discussion with CRT. Watch this space. [December 2023].
Keen to get on to the information – click here for the what would you like to do page

You will enjoy some different and stunning views of London’s skyline or waterline
Welcome to “Thames Cruising” an information website for boaters planning to cruise the Thames tideway between Teddington, Brentford, Limehouse and Barking Creek mouth with perhaps a detour onto the River Wey and Godalming Navigations or the Basingstoke Canal.
The Thames tideway (Teddington to Barking Creek) is around 30 miles of lavish landscapes, awesome architecture all spanned by an impressive array of ancient and modern bridges of every conceivable style. The tide which sweeps the river banks every day is as restless as the surrounding city’s evolution – we don’t think you’ll ever tire of this fascinating waterway.
Cruising the Thames Tideway is a wonderful experience, but it is a large waterway which is used by leisure and commercial craft, from small 1-person kayaks through to multi-storied cruise ships en-route to the Caribbean! A bit of planning and preparation will help you to become a safe part of this great melange.
The aim of this website is to direct you to a range of information sources that will enable you to plan, prepare and enjoy a safe trip along the Thames tideway. We will try to keep the information as up-to-date and accurate as we can, but YOU are master of your own vessel – we cannot accept any responsibility for your passage – verify your passage plans and the river-worthiness of your boat with the relevant people before you travel, and be aware of river conditions on the day.
We are not commercial pilots, but enthusiastic amateurs who have previously had to dig for this tideway information from a number of sources. We simply thought it would be useful to have it all in one place – we hope that you find it useful too!
A special thanks needs to go the St Pancras Cruising Club who have played an important role on the Thames Tideway for many years, much of our knowledge come from them but we should also mention the excellent work done by the Lock Keepers at Limehouse in writing the Thames Tideway Guides.
Just some of the sights you will see from the river – a completely different aspect to your sightseeing
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